The Club Committee is responsible for the day-to-day running of the club and to ensure that it is run in a prudent, responsible and efficient way. The Committee perform its functions in a way that promotes transparency and accountability at all times.
The main committee comprises 9 Full Voting Members as listed below, with a further set of Non-Voting Members who will sit on subcommittees. The responsibilities of all committee roles are described in the club constitution and by clicking on each card below.
It is recognised that all committee members give their time to the Club on a voluntary basis and from time to time the roles and responsibilities may be temporarily changed to accommodate a member’s other commitments. The Race Directors of the club will be invited to attend relevant main committee meetings and other committee members will be invited to attend main committee meetings or subcommittee meetings as required. The main committee will meet a minimum of 6 times per year - dates will be published in advance (Jan, March, May, July, Sep, Nov). Subcommittees will meet a minimum of 4 times per year – dates to be published in advance (Jan, April, July, Oct or whenever is most appropriate for the items to be discussed). Meetings will usually be face-to-face but where the agenda is short meetings can be held online.
The Committee serves and is ultimately accountable to the Club members and will report on all Club activities on an annual basis as part of the Annual General Meeting, which is usually held in October each year. Each member will receive the requisite notice in accordance with the requirements of the Club Constitution and are encouraged to attend and participate fully.